Friday, January 16, 2009

Once you've been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, shortcomings, or goals. Sorry if you think this is lame...

1. I am 19 years old and yet I am still known to spontaneously watch Disney movies. The good ones.

2. I procrastinate WAY too much for my own good.
3. I liked Twilight before it was cool.
4. People mistake me to be a member of the male species just because I have a flat chest, relatively short hair, and don't wear makeup.

5. Even though most people would never guess, I'm kind of a closet romantic.

6. I want to live in California SO badly.

7. It's so cold right now, I am wearing: 2 tanks 3 t-shirts 1 l/s t-shirt a hoodie gloves 2 pairs of sweatpants 2 pairs of socks. knee-highs.
8. I am probably part corpse.

9. I would much rather hang out with guys than girls.
10. Scar is so badass.

11. Single. Not really looking...
12. I hate people. Working retail ruined my life.
13. If it was possible I would live off of Mountain Dew.
14. Sometimes I honestly wonder if I'm good enough.

15. I hate school so much that I did nothing to prepare for college in high school and am now basically kicking myself in the face at community college.

16. Pinned ya. Pinned ya again.

0 betches: